People Behind the Challenge
National Board of Directors
Daniel Q. Callister
The Callister Group
Elizabeth Broun, PhD
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Washington, DC
Don Carson
Executive Vice President
Florida Crystals
West Palm Beach, FL
Ernestine S. Gray
Chief Judge
Orleans Parish Juvenile Court
New Orleans, LA
Karen Price-Ward
Corporate Community Affairs Manager
Southwest Airlines
Dallas, TX
Sheikh Mohammed Al-Sabah
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait
State of Kuwait
H.E. Ambassador Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
Embassy of the State of Kuwait
Washington, DC
Michael K. Young
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
About the Chairman

Bill Bone is Chairman of “Do the Write Thing” Challenge in Palm Beach County. Bill Bone is a trial lawyer who has dedicated his law practice and a lot of his spare time to helping people. From his service work in college as a member of the exclusive Florida Blue Key Leadership Honorary Society to his endowment of the Trial Advocacy Book Award at the University of Florida Law School Bill Bone has always tried to “give something back” to his community. Bill Bone was appointed Chairman of Do the Write Thing Palm Beach County in 2003. Since that time the program has engaged over a quarter million local students to do something about the problem of violence. This voluntary anti-violence program is now the biggest and most successful public-private partnership addressing this issue in the nation